physical therapy Hillsboro OR

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercise is essential in physical therapy, improving mobility, function, and quality of life. Exercises are tailored to individual needs with computer vision-assisted technologies enhancing the process.

Key Steps in Therapeutic Exercise:

  1. Assessment: Therapists evaluate strength, flexibility, balance, and mobility using computer vision for precise analysis.
  2. Goal Setting: Therapists and patients set realistic goals, such as improving range of motion, strength, reducing pain, or enhancing function.
  3. Exercise Prescription: A personalized program includes stretching, strengthening, balance, and aerobic exercises.
  4. Instruction and Supervision: Therapists teach and supervise exercises, ensuring correct and safe performance with computer vision feedback.
  5. Progression: Exercises are adjusted as patients improve, increasing resistance and difficulty.
  6. Education: Patients learn about their condition, exercise importance, and self-management strategies.
  7. Monitoring and Feedback: Therapists use computer vision to monitor progress and provide real-time feedback, modifying treatment as needed.

Therapeutic exercise, enhanced by computer vision, helps patients regain function, manage pain, and improve overall well-being under expert guidance.